Art Therapy & Coaching
In my therapeutical approach I combine my knowledge from my medical training with my profound training in psychodynamic art therapy. Psychodynamic art therapy is a therapeutical approach that allows you to uncover unconscious emotions, conflicts, or beliefs through the creative process. This way you have the ability to gain better understanding of your current state and can create a real transformation in the here and now.
Trauma happens in relationship context and can only heal in relationships. That’s the reason I focus on a therapist-client-relationship in my work. But unlike in regular therapy, where there’s only two parties involved, in art therapy the art work also play a part. We call this a triangular relationship where the art work takes the role of the third party, often functioning as a buffer for extreme and uncomfortable emotions and affects.
Art therapy has different ways to bring you closer to healing.
Do you want to implement change in your life? Are you done feeling stuck? Are you ready to grow?
Instead of simply talking about your issues, Art Therapy gives you a chance to work through your problems right away.
It is an active approach to your challenges, shifting you from the passive role of the victim to the active role of the producer.
You don't have to be an artist to benefit from Art Therapy, neither does it require any skills. This approach is a lot more about the intuitive process of art making, than mastering a certain skill.
Unlocking the unconsciousness in order to deepen your relationship with your Self.
Artistic creation can unlock unconscious material and has the potential to help you let go of behaviors that are no longer useful to you. Your experiences during your creative process reflects on the experiences you make in your life. Pay attention to upcoming emotions and find their root cause within your art work. Understand the symbols of your art work and gain better understanding of why you are the person you are today.
Experience self-empowerment and agency due to the creative process.
Imagine your future as a white canvas with infinite possibilities. It is on you to write your story. But you don't have to do it alone. As a health-care professional and artist I can assist you with your creative process and help you make sense of your emotional state. Together we can take on the course to a more creative and healthier life.
Address the interconnectedness of body, mind and spirit.
Creative acts can calm your nervous system, giving you a chance to look at the obstacles of your life with a clearer mind and healthy focus. While reducing stress-hormones, blood-pressure and heart-rate, art-making even has the ability to reduce your experience of pain and overcome traumatic experiences. Enter the meditative state and introduce mindfulness and awareness into your life. Art's transformational power lies in its ability to point out beauty even in darker times.
Overall, art therapy offers a holistic approach to wellness, addressing the emotional, cognitive, social, and physical aspects of your well-being. It can be particularly beneficial for you if you are experiencing mental health challenges, trauma, grief, or life transitions, as well as if you are seeking personal growth and self-discovery.
The Principles of my Work
Knowing what it takes to exhibit my own artistic work, I approach your art in a mindful manner being empathetic about your vulnerability.
I trust that you know what's best for you and won't force ideas or actions on you but rather lead you with inspiration and guidance on your individual creative journey.
This is not an art class. Every form of creative expression is appreciated and won't be judged by me. I rather share thoughts ideas or mirror emotions I witness in your work.
How does Art Therapy work?
Sensory experience
As humans we are highly sensual beings, yet we spend the majority of our days in front of screens being deprived by sensory experiences. Most of our sensory receptors are highly connected to the emotional regions in our brains, creating meaningful experiences and giving you a sense of purpose. The creative process is ultimately a multi-sensory experience, creating neural stimulation and increasing neuroplasticity.
Neuroplasticity is the process in our brain where neurons connect to one another. This happens mostly during learning or memories. Especially chronic ill mental health like depression, trauma and anxiety alters some brain structures. The creative process helps to loosen these connections and allows your brain to create new connections.
Nervous System Regulation
Chronic stress and ill mental health can cause the nervous system to dysregulate. Meaning you get stuck in a fight/ flight or freeze mode. This causes your blood pressure, your heart rate and your breathing frequency to increase, causing even more stress. This leaves you in a state of hyper vigilance, constantly bracing yourself and scanning your environment for possible threads. Art making allows you to enter a deep state of relaxation, helping to regulate your nervous system and allows you to find the calmness you need in order to focus on your inner world.
One of the major factors for ill mental health is the disconnection we feel to ourselves, others and nature. Creative expression has always been a part of communication. You maybe know this feeling when you listen to a song or see an art work that touches you deeply. The pain of the artist connects directly to your own pain and your experiences, making you feel seen and understood on a deeper level than simple words could ever do. This way your experience gets the validation you need.
The experiences you make during the creative process reflect directly on the experiences you make in life. So the way you engage with the materials, the conflicts you have during art making and the symbols you use in your work can give you a deep inside into your inner world. Understanding why you express things in a certain way can be very helpful to understand why you feel a certain way or why you react in a certain way. Symbolism is very individual. I will help and guide you through this process, always keeping in mind, that you are the only person who really knows what your art work might mean.
Unconscious Material
Creative expression allows us to let down our defense mechanisms. It connects with your unconscious and allows you to express emotions, conflicts, or trauma you wouldn’t have access to with the rational verbal communication. This allows you to gain deep knowledge of yourself. Integrating these aspects of you into your sense of Self helps you to grow as a person and reduce psychological tension. At the same time you can step into the power of your intuition and feel more attuned with your needs and desires.
Unlike in talking therapy where you experience a dual relationship between you and your therapist, art therapy invited the third. Your art work has a buffer function, allowing you a safer distance to your emotions and trauma, which makes them more expressible but also accessible. Art is known to combine the horrible with the beautiful allowing you to integrate more than one truth at the same time time.
Safer Distance
Many people are scared to do therapy, because they worry they will open Pandora’s box and won’t be able to close it again. They fear, the parts of them they will discover during a creative process are too much for them to handle. And yes, therapy can be a painful and tough process. But it doesn’t only have to hurt. Art therapy is also a space for exploration, experimentation and play. You can have fun in the process.
Your action have consequences. What you do matters. People suffering from mental illness often feel helpless and overwhelmed. Creative expression allows you to notice how you can make decision again, how every brushstroke you create, makes a difference. This can ultimately empower you to take action, boost your self confidence and help you stand ground in your healing journey.
Costs and Prices
As a medical doctor I am bound to the fee regulations for physicians. I will explain those in detail to you in our first session.
Private Session: sliding scale 120 € -150 €
Group Sessions: 90 €
There are possibilities to get art therapy partly refunded by your public insurance. This requires a letter from your physician, stating your diagnosis and recommending art therapy.
“Fond sexueller Missbrauch” is a fund offering financial support for art therapy for people who experiences sexual abuse.
“Persönliches Budget” (personal budget) is a government fund where you can apply for financial support for your art therapy. Read more here.
Children and Adolescents with disabilities can apply for financial support from the “Jugendamt” (youth welfare system) according to §§ 53, 54 SGB XII.
I wish to create a safe space where you can create freely and honestly allowing you to express yourself, explore your inner world and reaching transformation.
Read more:
The positive impact of working with clay on your mental health
How can we talk about our healing journey to our parents?
Which role does mental health play in your work space?
How Creative Expression Can Change your Experience of Pain and Trauma
Frequently Asked Questions:
Do I have to be an artist to benefit from Art Therapy or Art Coaching?
This is a clear no. The goal of Art Therapy and Art Coaching is not to produce great art, but rather to use art for self-expression and stress-relief. Although you might learn and experiment with new techniques along the way, the focus lies mainly on your experience during the process and your relationship to your art work. This is a judgment free space and every form of artistic expression is highly appreciated.
What do I need to bring?
Just yourself and an open mind. All materials are provided by me and included in the price. If you however have a medium you really want to try out you can obviously bring it. It is also helpful to wear some clothes that can take a stain or two.
Is this covered by public health insurance?
Unfortunately public health insurance doesn't cover any form of coaching or out-patient art therapy. I offer a scaling slide for my prices. Contact me and we can discuss payment plans that suit your needs and abilities. However, you can use the invoice for your taxes and get a tax reduction afterwards. Besides there are more options to support your art therapy through different state funding options in Germany. Fore more information click here.
Do you also offer Art Therapy or Art Coaching online?
Yes I do. In this case I will provide a list for you with materials and mediums as a form of recommendation. It is however on you to decide, what your preferred medium during the sessions is.