Photo © Kinga Howard Studio
Conscious Creations Group
90 mins.
As social beings, our reactions in a group correspond to what we've learned from early childhood experiences. These experiences are crucial for the development of relationship styles and our personality. The group as a microcosm helps us recognize and understand certain macrocosmic experiences. The Macrocosm may represent the family, society or even a global phenomenon.
Interpersonal Learning
Learning with and from other people helps us see ourselves through each others' eyes. Hence, the group works like a hall of mirrors. Repeating childhood experiences in the here and now makes us relive the repressed and change it into a more useful behavior.
If you are interested in the Conscious Painting Group please don't hesitate to contact me for vacancies and more information.
Workshops are a great way to reconnect to your creativity but sometimes we need more time and several sessions to deepen our process. This group offers you long-term support, accompanying you on your transformative journey.
Whether in your creative process or your life. Not knowing how to move forward can be a scary experience. The creative process can help you understand why you are in this situation and get you into motion again. Reignite your development within the Conscious Creations Group which is here to support your process and share new perspectives with you.
Sudden outbursts of anger or an underlying sadness can be confusing, especially when you don't know the source of your emotions. Artistic expression helps you figure out the root of your experience, uncovering unconscious material.
Sometimes we make decisions that seem right at the moment, yet the more we learn, the more we desire change. Making big decisions can be difficult especially with a lack of communal support. Engaging in artistic acts can offer a safe stage to play with different possible outcomes and manifest change in your life.
There is nothing wrong with wanting more from life and oneself, yet sometimes it can be challenging to figure out which direction to head. Art coaching accompanies your self-development and support you in becoming the person you want to be. Whether that's being an artist or not.
In our fast-paced environment it is no wonder that we experience constant stress leading to anxiety, compulsions or other mental-health issues. Art isn't just a great tool for relaxation but also offers you great insight into the cause of your situation.
This group is for you if you are...
“The conscious creations course helped me enormously. It gave me the space and some tools to think and work through the whole range of my emotions (some of them for the first time) whilst being gently and empathetically guided by Thuli. I feel I know myself much better and the different materials we could use allowed me to make a start on expressing this.”
— Kirsty P.
What happens in the Conscious Creations Group?
Group processes allow you to engage in a process of collective healing. By sharing your pain, your experiences and your healing journey you allow others to feel seen in their individual journey while being seen in your own.
Check in
We start every session with a short verbal check in, giving you space to share what's important to you at the moment.
The majority of the session is dedicated to you being creative. Choose your medium and form of creative expression freely and dive into your process.
The final part of every session is a small / intimate exhibition of all creations, where you get a chance to share your experience of the creative process, ask questions and discuss your art work.
How can you benefit from the group?
There are many ways to benefit from a creative group process. Find out how you can benefit from the Conscious Creations Group.
How do you see yourself within your net of relationships? The Conscious Creations Group provides a microcosm of social interactions, allowing you to observe and understand your interpersonal patterns. Group dynamics can serve as a canvas for unconscious processes to manifest symbolically. Themes, conflicts, and dynamics may emerge in the group that parallel issues within individuals' lives, providing a unique avenue for exploration. Insights gained in the group setting can be applied to various relationships outside of the group. This can help you re-evaluate your role in your relationships and make connections to your attachment-style developed in early childhood.
What role does loneliness play in your life? Within the Conscious Creations Group you can realize that you are not alone in your struggles. Sharing experiences with others can help you foster a sense of collective healing, reducing feelings of isolation and creating a supportive environment for emotional expression. This allows you to feel connected and less lonely. Witness this shared experience of compassion and understanding, contributing to a culture of empathy within the group. Community Support
Have you noticed that grooming over a problem can leave you narrow-minded? The Conscious Creations Group exposes you to a variety of perspectives from different group members. This diversity can offer a more comprehensive understanding of your inner conflicts and enhance the richness of your creative experience. Seeing through the eyes of others can help you change the entire narrative of a situation.
Who can you learn from? Observe and learn from the experiences of others in the group. Witnessing how different individuals cope with similar challenges provides you with a range of coping strategies and behavioral models. You can receive feedback from others, offering different perspectives and insights. This external reflection can enhance your self-awareness and provide a deeper understanding of your behavior and its impact on others. This way you can learn to navigate and resolve your conflicts within the safe space of the group.

Book a free online consultation to figure out whether the Conscious Creations Group is a fit for you.
“Healing is a lifelong journey that leads you to an honest and strong connection to yourself and ultimately to others.”
Thuli Wolf